ANACOSPLAYONE.com was created and designed in 2010 by Abbey.

Too lame to brave the cold and go out, we'd gotten into a routine of having rotating movie nights at friends' houses.

Being poor students, though, we'd often opt for piling on layers and blankets rather than spending money to heat our old and poorly insulated apartments.

But not just any onesies - we had our eyes on these amazing ANACOSPLAYONE adult onesies we'd come across whilst scouring the internet.

Alas, these mythical ANACOSPLAYONE were impossible to get in Canada! We couldn't find them anywhere. We decided to collect orders from our friends and place an order directly from Japan. Me being just out of school, I decide to order some extras, and that my new side project would be to build a little online store to help out other Canadians who might be looking for these fantastic pyjama costumes.

Fast forward to the present, ANACOSPLAYONE.com is what I do full-time. Abbey already loves his job working as a web developer, so from answering your texts to shipping out your orders, the company is pretty much run just by me (with the occasional help of talented friends who will work for ANACOSPLAYONE!).

We love going out to festivals and events in our ANACOSPLAYONE oneises pajamas, too. The idea of it was a little intimidating at first, but we quickly found that it was totally great. It's nice making people smile at the sight of something that they don't see every day. And there's nothing like having a kid run up to you exclaiming "PANDA!" whilst giving you a big hug.

ANACOSPLAYONE now permeate most parts of our life, and we probably wouldn't have it any other way.

Whether you own one or twenty ANACOSPLAYONE (we have the benefit of owning them all, muahaha!), we think they are something you will cherish for a long time. Even after a bad day, we find it almost impossible not to crack a smile once we see ourselves in ridiculous animal Onesies Pajamas.

Thank you for visiting us and sharing the ANACOSPLAYONE love - we're so lucky to have such amazing customers and friends.